Museum Exhibits

*To see the digital collection and your child’s work, please visit THIS LINK.

Students in Lower School have been working for the past few weeks on creating a Spanish museum with a wide variety of science, art, and history exhibits in preparation for GGD. In some classes, children are working individually or with a small group, while in others, the entire class is working together towards one goal.

For example, in 4.A, students are ‘living’ in Spain, and are therefore recreating famous Spanish works of art that are currently in El Prado Museum in Madrid (image above). In 4.B, students are ‘living’ in Mexico and creating artifacts for a sunken treasure display, based on the Spanish Shipwreck of 1715. In K.B, students made a model of Angel Falls in Venezuela, by collecting bark, small stones, and leaves outside, and adding water. In 1.B, a group of girls were inspired by seeing another class’ Worry Dolls from Guatemala, and wanted to make their own. Other classes are jumping on board as they see new projects pop up around the room.

In second, third, and fifth grade, students have chosen and created projects based on real-life images in the Spanish room. Some students are creating an underwater museum in Mexico; others are creating a gold trophy for Messi to represent the importance of soccer in many Spanish-speaking countries; some are trying to make the Basilisk Lizard from Costa Rica run on water, as it does in real-life; others are building a model of the “Tren a las nubes/Train to the Clouds” (skip to 3:45 in video) in Argentina; some have been creating instruments out of trash and recycled materials, like this town in Paraguay; and one even made a life-sized model of the Andean Condor–which has a wingspan of eleven feet, wow!

To learn more about these projects, please visit the PROJECTS page, now under the Home drop-down menu. I have been decluttering and reorganizing my website this week, in the hopes of making it more user-friendly–feel free to check it out HERE and let me know what you think!

NOTE: For all of my Language Challenge friends, posts are now divided into two different categories on the INSPIRATION page: Duolingo motivation (“Language Challenge”) and thoughts on culture (all other posts).